Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Indian Will

Robert Ray's sister, who lived south of Chaneysville was married to John Perrin. She was captured along with Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Vogan, Mrs. Davis, and Mrs. Thimbleson by a large band of Indians led by Chief Wills. Unfortunately, with a small child in her arms Mrs. Perrin couldn't keep up the pace as they started to ascend Tussey Mountain. So near two white rocks (Perrin's Rock) the Indians killed and scalped Mrs. Perrin and her child.
When the alarm was sounded Mr. Perrin, Mr. Davis, Mr. Vogan, Mr. Clark, Michael Huff and George and Joseph Powell went in hot pursuit after the murderers. When they caught up to the savages, the Indians had been joined by one hundred more warriors near the top of Will's Mountain. The next morning the Indians split into two groups, the large band of Indians headed west with the women, the others with the exception of Chief Wills went north.

History tells us that George Powell snuck up behind the resting chief and at the distance of seventy steps he fired his flintlock and killed him. He then scalped and buried the chief on top of Wills Mountain less than 2 miles west of Bedford, a short distance from the Old Forks Inn (Jean Bonnet). Miraculously the women were returned from Montreal, Canada after living six years in captivity.

note:In 1825 somebody removed his body from his burial place.

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