Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The First Thirteen Settlers

The year was 1728 when Thomas Powell's grandson, Joseph Powell led a group of thirteen settlers into the valley surrounding Town Creek, south of Chaneysville. They included John Spergen, Thomas Prather, Richard Iames, Robert Fleehart, George Painter, Heredius Blue. Philip Broadwater, Ignatius Rock, John Still, Archer Worley, Michael Huff, Joseph Johnson, George Tunis. Only Joseph Powell went back to Virginia before returning here in 1737.
John Spergen, built the first mill on Town Creek abt. 1730. In 1889 it was destroyed during the Johnstown Flood. The old mill dam was then washed out in the St. Patrick's Day flood of 1936.

Richard Iames, was the ancestor of the Iames familes from this area, he died Jan. 26, 1758 and was buried on his property. His gravestone is the second oldest in Bedford County with a date.

Joseph Johnson, was the first settler to die, he was buried in the Shawnee Graveyard in 1731.

Thomas Prather, Robert Fleethart, Philip Broadwater and George Painter all drowned while trapping.

Heredius Blue and Ignatius Rock also met their maker by drowning in Town Creek and have a "deep hole" named after them. Records show that Rock was drawn onto thin ice by a beaver and was drowned in the icy water.

John Still, married an Indian maiden and fathered three children. He built a mill on Big Sweet Root Creek and operated it until his death in 1770.

Archer Worley, built the first saw mill on Big Sweet Root Creek, he also bought "Indian Orchard" from the Indians. He went back to Virginia and returned with his wife and died here in 1775.

Michael Huff, was a trapper and hunter who also returned to Virginia to get his wife and daughter and two sons.

George Tunis was an unmarried Indian Trader. That is all that is known about him.

note: by 1758, most of these family men had at least one child.

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